Welcome to the Boca Raton Speech and Rehab Center’s Registration Page

You have been provided with a password to access our facilities registration materials. Please print out the documents, complete them and return them by fax to (561) 416-9075. You may present the original documents on the day of the evaluation. If you do not have a fax, let BRSRCI know. Depending on the type of evaluation, you will be advised to either mail them to our facility or bring the completed paperwork on the day of the evaluation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our center.

Medicare Patient

PDFSpeech and Swallowing Packet : 232KB PDF

PDFVoice Packet : 244KB PDF


PDFSpeech and Language Packet : 252KB PDF

PDFVoice Packet : 448KB PDF

PDFStuttering Packet : 476KB PDF

PDFPediatric Swallowing Packet : 228KB PDF

PDFCommunication Cognitive Packet : 320KB PDF


PDFSpeech, Language, and Swallowing Packet : 248KB PDF

PDFVoice Packet : 448KB PDF

PDFStuttering Fluency Packet : 476KB PDF

PDFAccent Modification/Corporate Speech Packet : 608KB PDF

PDFCommunication Cognitive Packet : 312KB PDF

PDFTransgender Packet : 288KB PDF

PDFDisclaimers and Policies for bocaratonspeech.com

© 2009 Boca Raton Speech & Voice Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.